Join us in 2025—as a musician or as a fan!


Connecting communities through music.


Upcoming Concerts

Join us for a free concert in your area!

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Request a Performance!

Do you have an opportunity for the Concert Band or a Chamber Group to perform? Let’s get in touch!

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Chamber Groups

We have a number of active chamber groups in addition to the concert band. Thinking about joining? Looking for that unique touch for your next event? Find out more!

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Support Us!

The River Cities Concert Band has been an active part of the Kentuckiana musical community for nearly 40 years—we’d love to be here for the next 40. Find out more about how YOU can help us share the power of music.

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Our band is a family.

Many musicians in the band have been playing together at rehearsals and in concerts for decades. The band is more than a club, it’s a family. We keep an active roster of members and take pride in the relationships we build with each other and our communities.

Don’t be intimidated—new members are welcomed with open arms and have the support of their fellow musicians from day one.
